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How to Enable Sublime Text Emmet for Easy Typing?

Sublime Text is a popular Code Editor. There have more extra features that are very helpful for developers to write their code.

The Sublime Text code editor has more extra options, if we install these options we can use more features to write code easily. Sublime Text has Emmet, After installing emmet we can use shortcut code and press the tab key for more code. Emmet is very popular in sublime text and It is a useful and time saver for Developers.
But how can we install Emmet in Sublime text? I wrote below the process of installing sublime text emmet.

1. Install Sublime Text & Open:

First, We need to download the Sublime Text code editor from their official website and install it on your computer.
To download this code editor we will go to sublime text’s official website and download it by clicking the download button. After downloading this editor, you need to click on the download file for installing this code editor. You can finish installing this code editor by clicking some next buttons. It’s simple to other software. Then open the Sublime Text code editor for installing the Emmet option.

2. Open Package Control:

In the second step, we need to open sublime text package control. For open package control, we should go to sublime text preferences item from the sublime menu item then below side, we will see the Package Control item and click on package control for opening a search bar. Another way, we can open package control is by typing ctrl+shift+p. Then we will find a search bar for search anything.

3. Install Package:

After opening the package control search bar, we need to install the package install. For installing the package install we will do a search in the package control search bar. Then we will find the install package and click on the install package for installing the package install. we should wait some seconds for finishing the install package.

4. Again Open Package Control:

We need to again open the sublime text package control after installing the package. When will finish installing the package install, then again we need to open package control by preferences the menu item or press ctrl+shift+p from the keyboard.

sublime text emmet, habibcoder, webdeveloperindhaka, websiteslearn

5. Search Emmet & Install:

When will open package control again, then do search Emmet in the search bar. After searching emmet, We will find Emmet and install the emmet by clicking on the emmet. after click, it will take a few moments for installing the Emmet in your sublime text code editor.
A few moments later, we can use the shortcut to write the code in our code editor.
If we want to install any programming languages shortcut after installing emmet we can install those also.

If we install Emmet in our Sublime Text code editor, Our coding time will be saved and easy. That’s why we can install Emmet in our Sublime Text code editor.

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