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How to Enable Sublime Text Auto Reload / Live Reload?

Sublime Text is a popular code editor till now. Many code editor are available but the sublime text is another popular and best of them. Most of the Developers use Sublime Text for writing their code. The Sublime Text code editor is a developer-friendly code editor. There have more features that are very helpful for writing code.

Sublime Text has free and premium versions. Definitely, the Premium version has more pro features but in Free version has enough features for writing code.
Sublime Text has a live reload option also. But we need to fix some settings and add some code to enable the live reload or auto-reload option.
If we enable the auto-reload option in sublime text, We don’t need to reload our browser again and again after writing code.

I have written details below about “How to enable sublime text auto-reload?”
We need to cross three steps to enable sublime text live-reload like:- 1. Install Package & Install LiveReload 2. Add some code in sublime text settings 3. Finally, Add Live Reload Extension in our browsers.

1. Install Package:

At first, we need to open sublime text code editor then go to the preference menu item and package install. After that, We will find a search option we will write there “install package”. After the search, we will see the install package then select the install package option and enter on this install package.
After installing the package, Again we will search in the search bar for the LiveReload plugin/option. Then again we will select the LiveReload option and enter on the LiveReload plugin/option for adding auto-reload in our Sublime Text code editor.

2. Code Add:

When the LiveReload plugin is installed then we need to add some code to our LiveReload plugin option.
Now, Again go to Sublime Text code editor and go to the preference menu item and package settings from the preference item. Then you will see the LiveReload plugin in “package settings”. From the LiveRelaod plugin, you need to go to the “settings user” option. Now, you enter in the LiveReload plugin and add the below code there and save these codes by ctrl+s.

           "enabled_plugins": [ 

3. Live Reload Extension:

After that, We need to add an extension for the google chrome browser and different browsers.

For Google Chrome: Go to google chrome and search LiveReload for chrome. Then you will find a chrome extension site and enter that website to add LiveRealod Extension.

From this LiveReload extension page, you click on add to chrome button for adding this extension to your browser. After adding, you will find the LiveReload extension with your all-install extension. Then you can on or off your LiveRelaod extension from the extension option.

For Firefox Browser: Go to firefox browser and search LiveRealod for firefox. Then you will find a LiveRealod website. Go to that website and add that extension to your firefox browser.

Now, you can manage the firefox LiveReload extension like the google chrome extension.

When you will write code then you can turn on the LiveRelaod extension and when don’t write code then you can off LiveRelaod.

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