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How To Make A Responsive Website?

A Responsive Website is very important for a website. Without a responsive website, you will not get more visitors. 70% to 80% of website visitors visit websites by mobile phone. So A Responsive Website is very important for visitors. others-way, your visitors will not stay long-time on your site.

Responsive Website Design:

Responsive Website Design is a fully responsive website on different devices like Mobile, Laptop, and Desktop etc.
If a website is responsive, everybody can visit this website on multiple devices like Mobile, Tab, desktops, laptops, etc. Responsive Design is a most important and essential for making a site.
Maximum website users visit websites by mobile phone at this time. so responsive web design is essential. We can make a responsive design by using Meta Tag, using Grid System, Fluid images, etc. If you want to make a responsive web design you need to follow the below instructions:

Meta Tag:

A meta tag is also important for making a responsive website. If we want to make a responsive website in Apple Device or some like apple devices. Obviously, We need to use a meta tag that meta tag name is “viewport”.
Here have no options without Meta Tag for making a responsive site. Before doing other things for responsive design at first we should use Meta Tag.

Meta Tag:

<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">

Grid System:

The grid system is another important thing for making a responsive website. If your website has grid systems, your website will be fully responsive on different devices automatically. Your website grid will be separated into different devices automatically.

Grid System is most important for making a website. You can give a fixed grid on different devices like you can give one grid on mobile, you can provide two grids on the tablet, you can provide three grids on the laptop and you can provide four grids on the Desktop. For making a grid system layout you can use raw CSS or popular CSS frameworks.

Media Query:

Media Query is important for making a responsive website. This is the most popular responsive way in the web world. We need to use raw CSS for making Media Queries.
When we will use Media Query on our website then you can set the website layout to a fixed width. We can set fixed width by media query for any device.
When we think about mobile devices, we give a fixed width for mobile devices. When we think about tablets then we give fixed width for tablet devices by media query and When we think about desktops then we set a fixed width for desktops by a media query. So Media Query is the one and only solution for making a responsive site.
If we use any framework or any things for responsive, Media Query is work behind the framework or other things.

Media Query:

For maximum width:

@media only screen and (max-width: 1200px) {
body {
background-color: white;

For minimum width:

@media only screen and (min-width: 768px) {
      body {
           background-color: #000000;

Fluid Images:

If we want to make a responsive website, we need to use fluid images. Fluid image is another part of making a responsive site. The different layouts will show on different devices.
Here we need fluid images. If our website images will not be fluid images, Our website looking will not good on different devices. Responsive images will automatically adjust to fit the size of the nay devices screen.
For a simple fluid image we can use some simple CSS like width: 100%; height: auto; max-width: 500 px or any fixed size.

Framework For Responsive Website:

The CSS framework is the most important thing for making a responsive website. We can make a responsive site in any way. The framework is another of them. We can use some CSS framework for making it responsive. The most popular CSS framework is Bootstrap and UiKit. Most Developers use Bootstrap CSS Framework for making a website.
Bootstrap is the most popular framework. It is a simple framework and easy to make a responsive site with this CSS Framework. Personally, I have used Bootstrap Framework in a lot of website templates. So Bootstrap is another popular CSS framework for making a website.

If you want to make a website, you can get in touch with us. We are a Web Development and Web Design team. We can make any kind of website.

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